Can you sit with contentment?

As humans we tend to look for external factors to find this elusive dream of contentment. We forget that we are animals. If we look at an animal in its most natural state it is content with the food that it eats, it finds comfort in its social circle and will often find stillness amidst the chaos of the buzzing world around it. Are we not blessed with theses same gifts? If we take the time to slow down we realize how much we fill up not only our space but also our minds with unnecessary baggage that does nothing but clutter our existence. Try this: next time you find yourself experiencing feelings of discontent or irritability stop and take a look at what you have. Then look at what your lacking and you will realize things are pretty simple. In the moments of break down, run down the list of needs; sleep, food, love, water,movement, stillness, breath. These are all natural elements of the human existence and in proper balance you will find the ability to draw your energy inward and ask truthfully what is it that you need. The more you practice finding contentment the more you realize it doesn’t take filling up your space and time with external stimulus, it just takes a deep internal self exploration.

Torch Yoga