Enternal Exploration

As we age we settle into daily routines and we quickly forget to sit back and observe our reactions which causes us to settle with the thought that we can not change our path. Life is to short to settle. Notice when you avoid or choose to opt out when it comes to self exploration. This avoidance can hinder the present moment in many subtle ways. It can block us from our intuition, it can damage relationships and hold us back from reaching all our goals and dreams.

The practice of yoga encourages us to dive deep into the layers of the mind, to step out of our comfort zone again and again and again to see how we move through this beautiful life. Start to watch your reactions and remember the only true way to release your reactions is to sit with the sensation before the explosion. The calm before the storm so to speak. It’s so much easier to give into our reactions with a blast of emotions then it is to sit with what ever past experience that has stirred the reaction in the present moment. But that “sitting” is where the magic happens. We begin to make the internal connection from those past experiences and unravel how they dictate the present moment. Then and only then we can truly release and put an end to the patterns that have engraved themselves into our daily lives. From here, like a flower blossoming, we open up petal by petal. As the layers peel back we are left to expose the hidden light that has been dimmed by life’s bumps and bruises. We will gain a sense of adventure and an overwhelming power to grow to your fullest potential.

Torch Yoga