Torch Yoga Studio Review

Torch Yoga Studio
“This is a practice of exploration. An open minded exploration of your own tiny universe”. The powerful yet soothing voice of Jess Bycraft, Torch Yoga’s owner and main instructor, flows gracefully through the hot room. Crisp peppermint essential oils drift lazily through the air of Chic’s Beach’s new yoga studio, stimulating each breath. The caramel coloured room offers you a simple space for your own intricate adventure.
Final savasana finds you melted into the ground at the end of the class. As bead after bead of sweat falls quickly onto your soggy mat, you inhale deep and feel strong. Not just because your muscles have been strengthened and stretched. Not just because your fascia’s bad habits have been confronted. And not just because you have been simultaneously accepted and then pushed a little further than the shackled limits you created for yourself. But because you know in your heart you are resilient, you are brave and there is light. Every Torch Yoga class works towards removing the complex masks your mind places over your heart, one by one. Torch Yoga Studio is not just life changing physically, it will open your heart wider than you knew possible. It will let you breathe deeper than you knew you could. It will expand into your everyday life, gifting you a lift up on your enlightenment ladder. Hampton Roads is abundant with great yoga studios, but Torch Hot Yoga Studio’s authentic and potent approach will resonate so deep within you that you are left knowing that it is real. It is different. It brings pure and beautiful change. A place where everyone is welcome to start their own unique journey. A creative space where people can feel safe and can grow, free to fall and get back up.
“Chitta vritti – the yogi name for your wild monkey mind. This practice is where we learn to tame the chaos and reconnect with the breath. Everything you ever need… is right here” Jess calmly explains. Tame your monkey mind and believe in yourself today at Torch Yoga. Get sweating; you’ll never look back.
Try Torch Yoga Virginia Beach:
• Groovy FunkyFoDown
• Energetic Rockyourasana
• Playful Fundamentals
• Yin inspired Fire and Ice
• Early morning Follow the Yogi
• Mellow and fluid Warm Evening Flow
• Powerful YogaBody Boot Camp
ADDED YOGI BONUS: Ever wanted to try yoga with the ocean waves as your sound track? Down dog to the pink swaying clouds at sunset? Join Torch Yoga’s mailing list and follow them on facebook for an up to date listing of all additional events such as yoga on the beach, yoga at the brewery, fun yoga outings, beach meditations, yoga retreats, yoga workshops, yoga socials, new classes, community events and much more. Torch Yoga Studio – building a fun and supportive yoga family, one Ujjayi breath at a time.

Torch Yoga