Resolution Revolution

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The New year is here, Now what? The pandemic didn’t suddenly end. The only thing that truly changed is the number on the calendar, right? Surely you can take this approach and keep on keeping on, or you can see this as a chance to start a new beginning. Many times the mere thought of diving into something new can be overwhelming, but what if we chose to embrace the journey that something new offers? You can start by setting realistic goals. Think about what would go into reaching your goals, and find a small way to work towards your intent everyday, so every day is a success. Surround yourself with things that foster your objective. Listen to a podcast that pertains to your goal or even find an activity locally to participate in that helps with that goal. Turn your journey into a full experience. Lastly, speak highly about your goal, not just saying this is what you want to accomplish as if it were a wish you are making, but tell yourself you will feel amazing after achieving your goal.

Torch Yoga