Nine Reasons to Practice Hot Yoga in the Summer

Why In The World Would Anyone Do Hot Yoga In the Summer?

I know a lot of you are thinking “ its hot out, I’m sweating all day, why would I ever step into a hot yoga room?”. I have heard it many times and I
I too have had those days so I decided to put together a list of the “why tos”. Here’s 9 good reasons to stick to your practice over the summer.

• Hot Yoga Offers a Consistent Way to get Back to Center. In the summer months we are much more active so we need a sacred time to bring ourself back to our soul being, a time set aside every day where we take the time to listen to our internal chatter and release any of the unnecessary baggage that we may be carrying around.
• Practicing in the heat heat allows us to tap into the hard to reach places both physically and mentally which pushes us to new levels of focus, strength and determination.
• Better Acclimation to Outside Temps. This is great for athletes or anyone who completes strenuous work in the summer heat. The body learns to cool itself more efficiently through sweat so when you leave the hot room the outside temps may not feel so unbearable which allows you to make the most of the sweltering summer days.
• Consistency is Key. You may have noticed your practice grow over the winter months but like anything else, if you don’t use it you loose it. If you fall off the wagon your strength, endurance and flexibility will suffer. You don’t want to loose all of the hard work you have done up to this point. If you practice in the summer you body is already warm heading into class so you may experience more range of motion and strength gains in your practice.
• Reinforce Your Healthy Habits. Push yourself to stick with something longer than you may want. It’s easy to push off your practice on beautiful days but if you make the commitment to yourself you set the pace for change and transformation greater than your expectations.
• Stay in Shape for Outdoor Activities. Not only will your mind be happy but your body will thank you when you head out for that next big ride, kayak trip, or run. Whatever your happy place, yoga will help keep you limber and free. You will suffer from less aches and pains, move better, tolerate heat well, and have the strength to climb to the tallest mountain.
• A Calm and Steady Mind Brings a Calm and Steady Balance. We call it practice for a reason. The summer months bring more activity to our lives. If we can keep our cool within all the action we will feel light and steady and balanced as we glide through the summer fun.
• Detox,Detox,Detox. Sweating more creates a natural detox, kicking out more of that junk that we ingest through our mouths or absorb through our skin. Always remember, with more sweat we run the risk of dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids and eat lots of juicy fruits ad veggies.
• Tone Up to Feel Good. We all want confidence and we want to feel comfortable in our own skin. Hot Yoga creates strong muscles that will leave you feeling tone and fit and comfortable in your summer attire.
There you have it. 9 great reasons to stay on top of your practice this summer. Now grab your mat and heaped to your favorite Hot Yoga studio. No excuses

Torch Yoga