How Often Should I Practice Hot Yoga

Many people wonder how often they should practice hot yoga per week. That is why we have come up with some simple guidelines to start you off on the right foot.

A daily yoga practice offers many of the same benefits as traditional yoga, such as stress reduction, improved strength, and flexibility. But, with the heat turned up, hot yoga has the ability to give your heart, lungs, and muscles an even greater, more intense workout.

For beginners the extreme heat and physical demand can be hard to handle. If you are new to Hot Power Yoga, We recommended starting with a practice of two to three times per week with a day or two between each practice. This will allow your body to adapt to the physical load and to acclimate to the heat. After two weeks you can begin to increase number of sessions. Over time you will eventually adapt to a daily routine which allows you to access the maximum benefits.

Always remember as you begin to increase to a daily practice the most important thing is to listen to your body. In a hot room it can be hard to know when to take a break. If you start to feel dizzy for whatever reason take a moment to rest. You can always get back up when your ready.

Also remember, to practice daily hot yoga safely you must drink plenty of water before and after, replace electrolytes when needed and ease yourself into classes, you can always leave the room if the heat becomes too much. Try not ro wipe the sweat. Sweat is your bodies cooling device. Let it be so the body can efficiently cool itself.

Once your body adapts to the demand of the hot room we recommend that you practice as often as possible, the more you practice the more you will see progress and results. For good results regularly practice 4  times per week. For life-changing results, practice daily allowing for one rest day each week.

Lastly, Hot Power Yoga can create a caloric deficit 620 cal.930 cal. Make sure to fuel your body with healthy nutritious foods to keep you going strong.

Now is the time. Get up and get moving and we will see you on your mats.

Torch Yoga