How to Set Up Your Home Studio


When it comes to practicing at home, we realize that it can be tough to stay focused. That is why we have a few recommendations that will help you find focus and clarity as you work to build your home practice:

  1. Find a space: your home space should be a place that you can dedicate to practice. A space that you can focus and relax without distraction. Avoid areas of heavy traffic, loud noises, and pets (even though we love them to pieces; it can be hard to show yourself love when your pup says it’s time for a WALK).

  2. Declutter: It’s important to remove all excess clutter from your practice space. Clutter is just another distraction that can leave you feeling anxious. By decluttering the junk, you declutter the mind so you can stay focused on yourself.

  3. Plan ahead: get a calendar and hang it somewhere that you will see it daily. Schedule your yoga practice and write it on the calendar. Make sure you are specific with the time and day. This will be a subtle reminder to show up for yourself a little every day, and it will help you stay on track even when you have 101 excuses.

  4. Play music: Music can have many benefits. Make sure the music sets the stage. If you are doing a very active practice you may want to choose songs that keep you motivated. If you are doing a meditative practice you will want something more soothing and calm. Whichever you choose, you can use the music to help stay focused while drowning out any background noises.

Building a home practice can be very rewarding. We recommend following these few simple tips to help you stick to your goals as you develop your home practice.

By Jess Bycraft from Torch Yoga

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Torch Yoga