Celebrate the Earth

April is the month we celebrate the earth. There are so many benefits the earth gives us and
this month is the perfect opportunity to honor, celebrate, and connect to our earth. Take the time
to breathe outside, go on walks, and connect inwards and outwards. We as humans take for
granted everything the earth gives us and there are so many ways to celebrate earth month in
your day to day life, and in your yoga practice.
One way to start celebrating the earth is grounding, also called earthing, is the perfect way to
start your day and reconnect with yourself physically and the earth. We could do a whole blog
post on grounding but the easiest way to do this is to step outside first thing in the morning
barefoot. Yup, it is that simple. Close your eyes, let yourself breathe, and the electrical charges
from the earth can have positive effects on your body. It is also a simple opportunity to enjoy
fresh air first thing in the morning, feel the ground beneath you, and take the time to appreciate
everything that surrounds you.
Take time outside. It could be longer walks or just getting yourself fresh air for a few moments a
day, all you need to do is breathe, close your eyes, and appreciate how it makes you feel. If it is
available to you get your hands a little dirty and spend small amounts of time during your days
and weeks in your garden. If you don’t have one you are always welcome at our community
garden outside of Torch in Virginia Beach. There is no better feeling than watching something
grow, and nurturing it yourself.
Practice outside. As the weather is finally feeling like it is Springtime and warming up, throw a
mat or a towel down on your front porch, the beach, or in your front yard and practice yoga. You
can listen to a class or just flow however you want. You’ll get that connection to earth from your
full body, and the fresh air. You will feel the benefits of being outside and this is the perfect way
to celebrate the earth.
Take this month to focus on being eco-friendly. Do some research on recycling and reducing
waste. Maybe you try composting for the first time. It takes small steps but that is how growth
happens. This is the perfect time to start and this could become a regular part of your daily life.
You can try new eco-friendly cleaning products, buy clothes from second hand or
environmentally conscious brands, ride your bike instead of driving, use reusable water bottles,
eat less meat, or buy biodegradable products! There are so many options that you might find
you love and they are the perfect way to give back to the earth.
We mentioned how practicing yoga outside is a great way to celebrate the earth, and there are
so many grounding postures that energetically connect you to the ground we stand on.
Grounding postures are all about the connection to earth while bringing awareness to how your
body feels. Some great grounding postures are Tree Pose, Mountain Pose or Tadasana, Child’s
Pose, Pigeon Pose, and of course Savasana.

Take some time to get outside this month! And don’t forget about all the great things happening
at Torch.

Torch Yoga