The Only Thing Stopping You is You

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Torch started with one girl who could never even envision success. This young girl lacked the self confidence required to excel in life let alone business. Although she always felt as if there was something great in the universe for her it wasn’t until she found Yoga that she realized she had the ability to do anything if she applied her self.Over years of practice her body began to change. The aches and pains of life started to lift and doors began to open. She started to see a pattern in her life. Every time she faced an uncomfortable situation she started to well up with self doubt. That self doubt created mental chatter also known as  “stories” as she would call them in class. These stories were the resistance that she so often speaks of. She learned that even though there is resistance there is always a way to push against that resistance, and so she did. This persistence allowed her to grow beyond her expectations and to become more than she had ever imagined; a wife, a gracious step mom, a business owner. She has learned that the universe has everything that needed to succeed, the first step is to get real clear on what you want. If your going in a hundred different directions you will loose focus of your greatest vision.
Life is a success story for this one once lost little girl who was able to submerge from a cloud to create a vibrant picture all her own and now she shares that vision with all those who come to know Torch Yoga. With all the love in her heart she expresses a humbled approach to this practice and this community. Live Limitless, exceed expectations, Know no boundaries.

Torch Yoga