Resolve to Change

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Some like to think of February 1st as “quitters day.” Why? It’s the day people tend to throw their resolutions out the window. A month of hard work, gone. There are many positive and healthy benefits from setting New Year’s Resolutions, and sticking to them. 


Resolutions are ultimately goals. These goals are typically good for well-being and they help us do what we want to do and be who we want to be. Make sure these goals are doable, manageable, and most importantly meaningful! If you have fallen off, we get it, January is hard and long. It is okay to restart, do a reboot, a new beginning. No one is judging and the majority of people probably have strayed away from their resolutions and need a reason to find their way back. Here is how we can stick to them:


  • Make your resolutions meaningful. Something you want to better within yourself. Something you are passionate about. They don’t have to be huge but make them measureable. “Add movement at least 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week.” “Go to yoga at least 3 times a week”; Just some examples :), but something you can check off a list. 

  • Setting resolutions is not about being perfect. Remember,  some days are going to work and some are not, but just because you skipped a gym day doesn’t mean you should quit. Everyday is a fresh start. 

  • Make smaller goals. You don’t have to change your whole life with one big resolution. Small steps can reach a bigger goal. Maybe for the month of February you focus on trying to get to the gym more and in March you focus on eating better. As you reach those goals your overall life will start to change for the better! 

  • Keep a notebook and write your accomplishments down. Reread and remind yourself of all your successes big and small! 

  • Make your family and friends join you! This will make it wayyy more fun and it will hold you accountable. Ask a friend to join you in a workout once a week or make a deal with your partner to make healthier dinners. Having a support system always makes goals more attainable. 

  • Take the time to pause and acknowledge the changes you’ve made. Reaching your goals doesn’t happen overnight, it is a process, and it takes time. Don’t forget to take a minute and reward yourself for having a really good week, day, or month. Call and tell someone!! You earned it. 

  • Be thankful for all the hard work you have already put into bettering yourself! 


New year, same you, bigger goals! 

Torch Yoga